Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


职业发展 Alongside Your Studies

Vocational and Psychological Assessment for Ministry

在你神学院的第一年, you’ll participate in a few assessments to evaluate your readiness for seminary studies and ministry, 你的文化能力, and to discover areas where you can continue to grow and learn.


MDiv Degree Candidacy Evaluation

At the one-third completion mark of your 神学硕士 程序, you’ll complete a set of learning goals and meet with a faculty team to talk about your progress and academic performance. This conversation will help clarify vocational goals, provide encouragement for the areas in which you are doing well, and identify areas where you may need additional work.


卓越的职业 and 领域的教育

Alongside your academic coursework and components of vocational development, you’ll complete 领域的教育 requirements to gain hands-on experience and practical skills for ministry. 其中之一, 卓越的职业, is an intensive course to specifically address issues of vocational identity and healthy professional patterns.



All degree seeking students will complete a Mid-Program审查 as they near the two-thirds completion point in their 程序. You will meet with a faculty team to discuss academic progress, 总体幸福感, 牧师准备就绪.



For students anticipating ministry in the 福音圣约教会, the 呼召牧师 process will guide you through completing your minister’s profile and meeting with key leaders in the denomination so that you are ready to accept a call to ministry following graduation.



Thanks to a grant from the Lilly Endowment, the 神学院 is able to assist you in proactively addressing the financial concerns that come with getting a seminary education.
